Title: The Winklers (1/4) Author: Michelle Ferguson E-Mail: Bryndela@Hotmail.com Distribution: Archive anywhere, I'd be honored. Just please let me know where cause I wanna go see it. Spoilers: None Content Warning: Definitely a 'shipper's story. If that sort of thing dosen't float your boat, I'd sail on to more platonic waters. Classification: S, R Summary: Mulder and Scully are forced to masquerade as newlyweds at a marital retreat. The Winklers (1/4) Assistant Director Walter Skinner propped his feet up on his newly polished desk, and smiled mischieviously. This plan was diabolical, it was perfect, and it was scheduled to go into work in precisely ten minutes. He picked up one of the two identical brochures before him and read it over again. Harmony Retreat: Building Better Relationships since 1985. Walter snickered. Boy, were his two favorite agents going to be suprised. It was going to be pure entertainment watching them trying to finagle their way out of this one. Luckily, he had a case to back himself up. It seemed the Harmony Retreat for married couples, were notorious for sending their customers away very happy. A little too happy. Of course, it was very unlikely that brainwashing was involved in the program. But it would at least spark the agent's interest. Mulder's, anyway. "Assistant Director Skinner--Agents Mulder and Scully are here to see you," Mandi, the latest find from the secretarial pool, announced cheerily, peaking her head in the door. "Alright, send them in." Skinner replied, trying to keep a straight face. It was torture being the only one in on the scheme, but Mulder and Scully needed this. They just hadn't been getting along well at all these last few weeks. They were back on the X-Files now, and under his authority, so their working relationship needed to be in top shape. Scully stalked into the Assistant Director's office; a sulking Mulder lagging behind. Skinner noticed that Mulder's hand was missing from Agent Scully's back. It sent a chill down his spine. This was more urgent than he thought. "Sit down Agents," Skinner ordered authoritavely. They did. "I apologize for being late Sir," Scully said icily. "But Mulder spilt coffee on my blouse." She stopped to glare at her partner. Mulder looked like he wanted to dissapear. Mulder opened his mouth to protest, but shut it abruptly. What was the use? "Agent Mulder did you have something to add?" Skinner asked. Although it sounded casual, Mulder knew it was a demand. Unbelievable, this took him back to his school days. "I was just going to say, that I turned around with my coffee, and Scully was right there. She was crowding my space. It startled me, Sir." Scully rolled her cornflower eyes. "The office is tiny, I was merely waiting for you to get out of my way, so I could get by." "Moving along," Skinner broke the heated silence that had taken shape in his office. "I called you two up here to deliver a field assignment." Mulder perked up at this. Finally something to get them out of their paperwork rut. The Assistant Director eagerly handed them the brochures. Mulder and Scully skimmed it over, and then both looked up in confusion. "The Harmony Retreat," he explained, "has served married couples in building better relationships for ten years." Scully frowned. What did this have to do with them? Skinner continued. "The couples that come away from the program, never again experience any of the problems that are normal for married life. These are people that were on the verge of divorce, mind you." "Sounds like whoever's in charge does a real bang-up job," Mulder quipped. "But it's hardly an X-File." Scully slowly nodded her head in agreement. For once her partner saw her way of things. "That's where you're wrong agents. I'm as big as a skeptic as they come, but...reviewing the evidence at hand--I'd say the case is worthy of your immediate attention. The possibilities of mind control are present here." If Mulder had said he was suprised, it would have been the understatement of the year. "You mean the owners of this place brainwash the couples that go through their program?" He found it incredible. Not the whole brainwashing part, but the fact that his no-nonsense, pain in the ass boss believed it. Just incredible. "Turning them into love zombies." Skinner added, nodding solemnly. "Sir, you can't be serious," Scully blurted out, forgetting for a moment wo she was speaking to. The love zombie nonsense wasn't the real X-File here, it was what had gotten into her boss. She wondered if it wasn't overly-estatic Mandi with an 'I', secretary posted outside his door. "On the contrary, Agent Scully, I am *very* serious about this. I'm putting you and Agent Mulder on this this case immediately." Mulder gaped. Scully frowned and looked away. The Assistant Director was enjoying this far more than he thought he would. "I have you both booked at the Harmony Retreat under the assumed identities of Kevin and Anna Winkler from Seattle. You're newlyweds. You have both been unfaithful. Any questions?" Mulder and Scully kept quiet, slowly processing this information. "Very well. Your flight leaves at 8:00 tomarrow morning. You should be at Harmony by 4:00. You'll find the tickets and other information in there." He held out an manilla folder, and after a moment, Scully grudgingly took it. "You have the rest of the day off to prepare. The retreat lasts a week, but I trust you can solve the case before then." With that, Mulder and Scully knew that they were dismissed. When they were gone, Skinner burst into deep hearty guffaws. I am so good, he thought, folding his hands deviously. Scully was pissed. Not just because Skinner had sprung this assignment on Mulder and her at the last minute, but because of the nature of the assignment. Mind control? Love zombies? She and Mulder masquerading as newlyweds at a marital retreat? It was all too much. How could she be falsely married to Mulder? She folded up a pair of jeans and put them in her floral suitcase. It wasn't as if the idea of marrige to Mulder repulsed her. Infact, he was the only man she could imagine herself with. She was just scared. Terrified. Petrified. They would have to share a room, which shouldn't be a problem. After all, they were two reasonable adults, who had a solid and very platonic relationship. Unfortunately, everytime Scully tried to tell herself that, visions of Mulder's hallway clouded her good judgement, along with the knowledge of exactly why her intense hatred for Diana Fowley existed. Telling herself that her relationship with Mulder was platonic became absurd. It became bullshit. .No, her and Mulder hadn't been getting along. Lately, everything he did got on her nerves, and vice versa. She knew that in the long run, she and Mulder would be fine. they would get over whatever it was between them, and things would be just like before. Comfortable. Safe. So why didn't that satisfy her anymore? It's no secret that I love Mulder, Sclly acknowledged. Her firm belief was that if there had never been love between them, they never would have made it as far as they had. But, God help her, she was *in* love with the man too. She loved him like a brother, like a partner. But she was in love with him as a man to a woman. The differences between the two were huge and frightening, and Scully wasn't sure if she would ever be able to go up against them. That's why the next week would be hell. For the stable, intelligent woman that she was, wondering if Mulder was in love with her or not had cost her too many nights of sleep. And in the morning as she tried to conceal the dark circles under her eyes with make-up, she felt so pathetic. It wasn't fun, the transition from night to day to night. In the day, she had Mulder. Mulder to argue with, Mulder's opinion's to question. Her partner made her feel wanted, whether he was aware of what he did to her or not. Every minute spent with him, she valued more than he would ever know. And she dreaded every empty night without him. No, being in love was no fun at all. At least she knew how to hide it. In her wildest fantasies involving Mulder(and there were lots), they were married. Married people leading normal lives. For the next week, they were going to fit that profile perfectly. Marrige: In her dreams it seemed real, in the days to come it would appear real. Scully flopped back on her bed and hugged herself, a bitter lump forming in her throat. Would it ever *be* real? "I think this is the place Mulder," Scully said, looking out of the window of their rental car. "Thanks for telling me Scully. It would have been helpful had I not seen the same looming sign you did, announcing that it was the place." Mulder said sarcastically. As soon as the words left his mouth, he wanted to take them back. Scully had only been trying to help. Instead of getting offended and saying something she would regret, Scully refused to stoop to his level. She sat back, bit her lip, and fumed. Mulder barely managed to keep his eyes on the road, as he watched Scully out of the corner of his eye. Saw her teeth sliding on and off of her moist bottom lip. What he wouldn't give to have those lips on him. Mulder shook his head, trying to snap out of it. These were the exact thoughts he'd been trying to avoid all night. Not to mention the past six years. But his efforts were once again futile, and the fact that he couldn't control what came in an out of his head where Scully was concerned angered him. He tried to do them both a favor so many times, by keeping his filthy mind off of her. I see it now, Mulder thought grimly. 'Hi, my name is Fox Mulder, and I lust after my partner.' Let them find a twelve step program for that. Scully sighed. Mulder knew she wanted him to apologize, she just wouldn't say anything. Scully was stubborn, but then again so was he, (although he found his reserve getting weaker by the minute). Finally he couldn't stand it anymore. "Look Scully, I'm sorry okay." He blurted out. "I didn't mean to be such a prick. Can you forgive me?" "Mulder..." Scully started, "just don't." He'd gone to far with his attitude. She was really upset. "I don't know what else to say, Scully," he continued despite her growing death glare. "Only that sometimes I wonder why you put up with me at all." Scully looked at him venomously. "That's funny, I wonder the same thing." Mulder grinned, despite the wrenching panic in the pit of his stomach. Did she wonder sometimes? "Cheap shots aren't your style Scully." His partner's mouth twitched, then much to his delight Scully gave a begrudging smile. "Alright Mulder. Since we may be here a while, I suppose it would be in our best interest to try and get along." "Halleluja," Mulder declared in mock prayer. They pulled into a parking lot infront of a rustic log cabin that said, Registration, in bold red letters. Mulder turned off the car and looked at Scully. "Are you ready, Mrs. Winkler?" He teased. "Just remember not to pull out you badge as soon as we get in there, Mul...honey" Scully replied with a shudder. "Ooh, 'honey.' You should call me that more often." "We're here because our marrige is in trouble. Don't count on it." As soon as they entered the building, a tall, tan, woman with long hair resembling burnished wheat, came sauntering up to them. "Hi. You must be the Winklers." Scully smiled at the Barbiesque welcome wagon. "I'm Dr. Anna Winkler and this is my husband Kevin." She resisted the urge to look around for Ken and the dream house, as she watched Mulder all too eagerly shake the woman's hand. "I'm Gretta Valentine, my husband and I run this place," she said in a sultry voice. Scully wondered how a woman named Gretta Valentine with those looks and that voice could manage preschool, much less running a prosperous business. I can't believe Mulder's buying into that Marilyn Monroe bit, Scully thought, tugging his arm. "C'mon dear, let's go get the key to our room." She ordered. "Well, cheerio everyone. See you around Kev." Mulder tore his eyes away from Gretta as she sashayed into her office, and walked with Scully to the front desk. "We have a reservation. Room 12, for Kevin and Anna Winkler," he said to a young woman filing her nails behind the desk. She wore a navy blue polo shirt with the word, Harmony, in red stitching. A staff nametag read, "Gina." After quite a lengthy amount of time spent trying to get her attention, Gina the receptionist looked up. "Can I help you?" She asked blankly. Scully clenched her fists at her side, her Irish temper barely restrained. "We have a reservation for Kevin and Anna Winkler. We would like, the key to our cabin. That is all, just that. Can you do that?" Gina rolled her eyes in disbelief. "Geez lady. I don't think the marrige is the problem." Mulder snorted, as his seething partner snatched a key and itenerary out of the receptionist's hand. "Have a nice time Mrs. Winkler," Gina called after Scully as she stalked away. "May God have mercy on your soul, Mr. Winkler," she said sympathetically. Mulder chuckled and nodded. "I better go get our bags." Damn false advertising, Scully thought bitterly, glancing at the brochure, then back to the stark reality of their actual cabin. The pamplet describe the cabin as, "a spacious stay for two with country charm and most modern comforts of home." She hadn't seen any country charm, only about a million varieties of insects. And while an air conditioning unit did occupy one window, the temperature was about fifty degrees too cold. Scully tried to adjust it, and the knob broke off in her hand. Atleast they had brought a ton of blankets. A full size bed dominated much of the room. It was flanked by two night stands. A small dresser and two huge windows made up most of another wall. There was just enough space for a mini fridge, closet, and a small bathroom, with no medicine cabinet. All in all, they weren't lying about it being spacious. The worst thing about the cabin was the lack of privacy. There was no bathroom door, with struck Scully as being very odd. She was considering hanging an extra blanket over the doorway to the bathroom, when there was a knock at the screen door. A girl stood outside waiting. She was pretty, in a teenage sort of way. Long blonde hair that was a little too brassy to be natural, brown eyes, a smal pointed nose and wide mouth. Scully guessed that she couldn't be over twenty-five. "Can I help you?" She asked, letting the girl in. "I'm, Becky Platt, my husband David and I are staying in the cabin next to you," the woman began. "Dr. Anna Winkler," Scully introduced with a rather forced smile. She wasn't quite over the horrible last name Skinner had decided for them. "What can I do for you?" "Oh, no I didn't need anything. I was just metting the other couples, that's all." "Well, my husband," Scully paused. She hadn't expected to be able to say that word with such ease. Especially since the husband-in-question was Mulder. "My husband, Kevin, should be here any minute. I suspect he ran into to Gretta Valentine and got side-tracked." Although the sarcasm was supposed to be that one a woman who's husband had cheated, her suspicions of his whereabouts were very real. Unless Mulder had stumbled onto some wild mystery, there shouldn't be anything keeping him this long. Becky rolled her eyes. "You mean Miss Playmate of the Month? Gimme a break. 'I'm Gretta. I run this place,' she mocked in a perfect imitation of Mrs. Valentine. "David couldn't keep his eyes off the bitch. I swear, she's gotta be a phone sex operator in her spare time." Scully laughed, something she hadn't done in a while. It felt good. However young the woman was, she certainly had a way with words. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you and your husband here? What went wrong?" Becky's smile dissapeared fast. "I got married the day after my eighteenth birthday, I was pregnant with his kid. I'm twenty-one now, and...I dunno. I guess we're just not as passionate as we used to be. David's much older than me, fifteen years actually." Scully quickly calculated it. Just a little younger than Mulder. She wondered how long they dated before they got married. The part of her that promised to obey and uphold the law wondered if her husband had been aware of the penalty for statutory rape at the time. "I just found out I was pregnant with our second child, and it's been hell between us ever since. David didn't want any children to begin with, he can barely tolerate David Jr. as it is. We have to try to work things out though, for the kid's sake. He was the one who suggested this. It suprised me, I never thought David would go for something like this." Scully was teetering on the verge of informing her new friend that working it out wasn't the healthiest option for her or her kids, when the door banged open. Mulder stood outside precariously balancing Scully's mammoth floral tapesty suitcase and Mack trunk, her usual over-night bag, and the huge briefcase needed to conceal both their laptops and necessary files. One of the rules of the retreat was that anything job-related should be left at home. His one lone bag, the biggest he'd ever traveled with on a case, was slung painfully around his neck, along with a smaller black case that contained the surveilance euipment they probably wouldn't need. "Jeez do you think you packed enough Scu..." Mulder retracted his words when he saw they had company. "Uh, Anna." Scully saw the look of puzzlement in the younger woman's eyes, and quickly tried to cover up her partner's mistake. "I was beginning to worry about you Kevin," she announced, going to help him with the luggage. "You could have taken more than one trip to the car you know." Mulder glared at his pseudo-wife. "I know." Becky laughed. "Why don't I leave you two harmonious love birds alone and go see what my own husband is up to. Pleased to meet you Mr. Winkler," she said, delicately avoiding the pile of luggage surrounding Mulder as she went towards the door. "Call me Kevin." He called after her, collapsing on the mattress. "She's a nice girl," Scully said, trying to haul her suitcase out from under Mulder's bag. "Oh by the way, I did a sweep of the cabin for cameras and listening devices before you got here. It's clean." Mulder nodded without opening his eyes. "I ran into Lewis Valentine on my way to the car. He's about ninety years old. Talk about a May/December romance. Scully--I'm not one to take things at face value, but something tells me this is one big waste of taxpayers money." "I agree. I don't know what's gotten into Skinner. By the way, dinner is at 6:30, and at 8:00, we have to be in the discussion room at the Lodge for our first group couples therapy. That's according to the itenerary." "Yeah, Valentine said he'd see us there." Scully frowned. "Mulder, could I ask you a question?" "You can ask me anything Scully...though I may not have the answer," he threw in hastily when she raised a skeptic brow. "Alright. Mulder, what was it about Gretta Valentine that you found so appealing? You were obviously attracted to her." Mulder sat up and stared at Scully with incredulous hazel eyes. "What makes you think I was attracted to her?" "Please, Mulder, spare me. I saw the way you ogled her." "I don't know what you're talking about. For one thing we're investigating her for fraud and mind control. For another thing she's a married woman. And contrary to what you may think, I didn't find her very 'appealing' at all." Mulder declared. Scully smiled, a sad smile. "Nice try partner but I've seen the movies you watch. She's your fantasy woman." He wanted so bad to say right at that moment, "You're wrong Scully, you're the only fantasy I've had for a long time," but the same old fear held him back. Someday he hoped that with clarity and wisdom, he could tell someone in the same position as him, that there is nothing to fear but fear itself, and then go home to Scully. He didn't forsee that happening anytime in the near future, however much he dreamed. Scully took Mulder's silence as the answer she had been dreading. Damn you, she silently cursed him. "Look, I'm gonna go take a walk. I'll see you later." Mulder knew not to protest, she was pissed and needed time alone. Although it was a little(okay, very) flattering to know that Scully was jealous of his ghost-feelings for Gretta Valentine, they were really just that: nonexistent. If he wanted someone with those attributes, he'd watch another all-night Blonde Bombshell marathon on the Spice Channel. In reality, Gretta was hot, but he just wasn't interested. What was not flattering was knowing that he'd succeeded, once again, in hurting Scully. She'd came to him on the subject of his love life (another nonexistent part of his life), in all honesty. And what did you do, shit-head? He asked himself with contempt. You made her believe that you were interested in that Gretta-creature. For a psychologist, sometimes he felt just plain stupid. Mulder rubbed his temples and looked around the cabin for the first time. Knotty pine walls, pine furniture, a pine floor. A pine aroma hung in the abnormally chilly air. He got up to open the windows and found himself staring straight into the bathroom at the bathtub. Either the pine door blended a little too well into it's matching wall, or there just wasn't one. "Now that should be an X-File," Mulder said aloud. Granted, it would be very interesting to see the things transpire between them with no door, but he knew that Scully would insist they rig something up as a replacement. Thinking it would slightly make amends with her if he unpacked and fixed things up for them, Mulder dug around in Scully's trunk for a blanket to hang over the doorway. Now if only he had some nails. And maybe a hammer. The Winklers (2/4) Michele Ferguson Disclaimer in first part Scully hurried as fast as she could with the buttons of her shirt. Mulder promised he'd wait behind the blanket while she changed, but there was no telling. Leaving the top button undone she called to Mulder, "You can come out now." Mulder emerged wearing a plain white dress shirt and khaki pants. He looked at Scully's elbow length white blouse and short, dark denim skirt and smirked. "I don't care what anyone says Scully. We're the best damn Gap ads around." Scully smiled, a half smile. She wasn't really angry at her partner, just annoyed. At that made her annoyed at herself. It shouldn't bother her that Mulder drooled at the mention of Mrs.Valentine's name. It's not like she had staked any claim to him, not one that people were aware of anyway. It wasn't fair to assume that he would steer clear of anything with estrogen, while he was left to play guessing games about her feelings towards him. She secretly hoped he would discover the truth on his own, but so far she'd done a really good job of hiding it. Then again so had he. Eventually, meaning when he or she died--God forbid, Scully would accept that their love was doomed. Until then, there was always hope. "Let me get my shoes on and then we can go," Scully offered, reaching for a pair of clunky white Keds and slipping them on. Mulder stared at her sensible shoes and wondered why she didn't wear those on field assignments. They seemed to make more sense than the high heels she frequently ended up running in. He decided not to ask. It was bad enough Scully knew about his porn collection. He didn't want to sound like an expert on woman's shoes, too. She may equate the two together, and then what would she think of him? The Harmony Marital Retreat's cafeteria, was not so much a cafeteria, as a small resturaunt with a large buffet of assorted foods. For the most part, the three other couples had buddied up, pushing their small, two person tables together. Although Becky waved from across the room, she made no attempt to join them. Scully guessed that it had something to do with her husband, David. The man didn't exactly radiate jovial warmth and kindness. Instead, he created a rather dark, disturbing presence in the room. Mulder watched Scully pick at her chocolate cake, uninterested. He'd already went through two dishes of the same dessert. "Everything alright?" Scully looked up. "I was thinking about something, that's all." "Care to fill me in?" Scully pushed her plate aside and concentrated on her cup of coffee. "It's Becky Platt, you know, the woman that I was talking to when you came in today." Mulder lowered his voice to a near-whisper. "Does she have suspicions about the Valentines?" "Not to my knowledge. She wants to reconcile with her husband." "Isn't that a good thing?" Scully nodded slowly. "Under normal circumstances, yes. But I have a bad feeling about David Platt." "Well...it is her life," Mulder said cautiously. "I'm aware of that." Scully muttered defensively. "Look. If this is bothering you that much, why don't you run a background check on him?" Before Scully had time to form a reply, Mulder pushed out his chair and stood up. "Looks like we're finished here," he said, gesturing towards the door. A staff member held open the fancy french doors, making small talk with the people as they filed out. "If everyone would follow me, I'll lead you to the meeting room," The meeting room, was a large, homey area of the lodge with ten fold-up chairs set up in a circle in the center of the room. Although the decorum had a slightly romantic feel, Mulder felt as if he'd stumbled upon the setting for an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Scully was scanning the room for hidden cameras, when she spotted the Valentines in the corner, talking. Gretta towered over her shriveled, ancient, husband. For his sake, Scully hoped he had a pre-nup. "Alright everyone, if you could take a seat we'll get started." Gretta breathed, walking briskly as her significant other hobbled on his cane, his breathing laboured. Mulder and Scully sat down last, in the two remaining seats in between the Platts and an elderly couple. "Hey you guys. David, this is Anna and Kevin Winkler, from the cabin next to us," Becky introduced to her husband, who was scowling at something in the distance. "Anna's a surgeon, and Kevin's a..." "An accountant. Pleased to meet you," Mulder said, shaking a very limp, sweaty hand. He resisted the urge to wipe his hand on his shirt, all the while thinking that Scully was right. David Platt was downright creepy. "David's does work for private clients," Becky said. Which could mean any number of things, Mulder and Scully thought at the same time. "Settle, settle." Gretta clasped her hands together waiting for complete silence. When everyone was still, she spoke. "I hoped you enjoyed dinner. For those of you who have not yet met me or my husband, we are the Valentines and we run this place." Scully and Becky rolled their eyes at the same time, a synchronized show of annoyance. Mulder couldn't help but wonder if they'd practiced that. He'd never seen Scully truly get along with a woman before. "Most of you are here because you've hit a rough spot in your marrige. And some of you are in a lifeless rut, and are just looking to spice up your routine, whether it be in daily life or the bedroom." The elderly couple next to Mulder joined hands and nodded enthusiastically on the last prospect. Mulder shuddered, and forced more than a few unwanted images out of his head. "In a moment we'll start our first group therapy session. But first I want to go aroud the circle with some questions, so we can all get to know each other a little better. Let's start with you guys," Gretta decided pointing at a big burly man in a flannel shirt, and his petite wife. Lumberjack, or maybe a truck driver, Mulder predicted, staring at the man as he introduced himself. "Rusty Threadgill, and this is my wife Jan. Ya see, Mr. Valentine..." Scully watched humiliation flash across Gretta's face. She was clearly the one in charge, but Mr. Threadgill chose to address her husband. Sexist bastard. "I'm the mayor of a small town in Texas, and..." Mulder's eyes widened. Mayor? "And Jan's problem is that..." "Mr. Threadgill," Gretta interrupted. "If you are about to inform us of a problem you have with your wife, then it is your problem, not hers, and in this room, she's allowed to speak for herself. Any mutural problem the two of you share, need to be referred to as 'ours.' Please keep that in mind." She sat back in smug satisfaction, and a tiny smile spread across Mrs. Threadgill's face. Scully half-expected Gretta to pump her fist in the air and whoop. Rusty lowered his head to study his feet for a moment. His balding scalp was glowing red, and when he looked back up bashfully, his face was the same color. "Ah, well, okay. I have a problem with the way Jan presents herself to my public. A first lady shouldn't be shy and awkward around her supporters, it's just not right." Mulder snorted, recieving a stern glance from Scully. He couldn't help it. First lady? Gretta stared at Mr. Threadgill in disbelief for a moment, then turned to his wife with a gentle smile. "What's your feelings in all of this, Mrs. Threadgill." Jan took a deep breath. "I don't want to hurt Rusty's political career, but, well..." "At the same time you resent him for constantly putting you in the spotlight, when he knows it's difficult for you." Mulder glanced at Scully with a heavy heart, knowing that she must resent him for all the tradgedies in her life. "Yes...well, yes I guess that's it," Jan mumbled. "We were both divorcees when we got together. I remember her during her first marrige. She was so out-going. Den mother, Sunday school teacher, head of the PTA--everything. Something happened, that changed all that." Rusty added. Scully noticed Becky visibly stiffen, but didn't say anything. All the talk of children probably reminded her of her little boy back home. "Don't worry, we'll get to the bottom of it. Let's move on," Gretta suggested, pointing at Mulder and Scully. Scully cleared her throat. "I'm Dr. Anna Winkler, and this is my husband Kevin. We're from Seattle." Gretta looked down at her clipboard. "It says you've only been married four months, but you've both committed adultery. Well, I'm glad you took this step towards saving your marrige. I would imagine a lot of your friends have advised you both to cut your losses and move on." Mulder took Scully's hand, and gripped it in his own. "She's the best thing that ever happened to me. I can't lose her." Scully's heart lurched forward. Oh God, she wanted so bad for that to not just be an act he put on to keep up their cover. "I feel the same way, "she managed weakly, and it was the truth. "Let me ask you something. Your extra-marital affairs, how were they initiated?" Scully smiled bitterly. "An old flame came back into Kevin's life. They worked together many years ago, and shared more, I suppose, than he and I ever had. He always had a place for her in his heart, and I guess, in the end, gave in to the temptation." Mulder stared at Scully with wide eyes. Did she think he was in love with Diana Fowley? "Anna wasn't quite as satisfied with her life with me as I hoped she would be. At a medical conference in Philadelphia, she met someone who offered her a chance to be wild, and...she took it." Scully frowned. He was never going to believed that she never slept with Ed, no matter how hard she tried to convince him differently. To be honest, she had never actually tried. But then again Mulder did the same thing, letting her draw her own conclusions where Diana Fowley was concerned. "The important thing is that you have a chance to put those indiscretions behind you." Gretta said. "Who does that leave? oh yes, the Garton's. What's your story..." Day Two Scully pounded away at her laptop in frustration. They'd been at the retreat for two days now, and there was still absolutely no evidence to give relevance to the current case. No suspicious buildings that were off limits to the guests, no evasive staff, or wrong-doings of any kind. There wasn't so much as a pine needle out of place on the camp grounds. So what the hell were her and Mulder still doing there? They couldn't leave until a complete report was written for Skinner, and a case solved. If weird things didn't start happening fast, they would probably be there for the duration of the program. "I had to go all the way to the office just to find this" Mulder announced irritatedly, barging into the cabin with two steaming styrofoam cups of coffee. "Is it just my imagination, or did it get colder in here? "I talked to a staff member earlier today, on my walk, and he said that all the cabins' air conditioners tend to go haywire once in a while, and get a little colder than neccessary. But if you ask me, I thing they planned it, so people in the cabin are forced to snuggle up together." "I can think of one way to conserve our body heat, Scully," Mulder said mischieviously. "What do you say?" "Sorry, Mulder, but it's gonna have to be colder than this." Scully took a huge leap of faith, "Because you know how much heat we could generate together." "Scully!" Mulder exclaimed in shock. "Are you serious?" Scully's smile vanished. "No, I guess I'm not. I was kidding." "Oh," Mulder tried to conceal his extreme dissapointment. "Scully, why? You never joke around with me, not in the way you just did." As if the thought of them being hot together were a joke. "I thought, well, I guess I assumed, um," Scully wished thecould pull the blanket that was draped over her shoulders, over her head, as she searched for the right words to explain her stupidity. "The first night we were here, our first group session, and then the one today...when I describe the woman you had an affair with, it's Diana Fowley." "I noticed." "Well, what I've said about you sharing more with her than me, it's the truth. We work together, that's it. So, I decided that since you've been throwing these sexual innuendos my way for six years now, I could do it too. Sort of like an inside joke, and it's better than nothing." Scully fumbled through the explanation. Mulder was insulted. "You think that's all we have together? A bunch of files, a basement office, and sleazy banter?" "No, that's not...I'm sorry. I'm acting ridiculous." Scully muttered. Mulder smiled poingnantly. "No you're not, you're acting insecure. But it is a little ridiculous to be insecure about Diana. She's got nothing on you." Scully didn't look convinced. "Mulder, you and she discovered the X-Files together, you trusted her from the beginning, I mean, for God's Sake you call each other by your first name, and this is the FBI Mulder. The FBI!" "Do you want me to call you Dana, Scully? Because I will if that's what you want." "No, that's not what I want. I want...nevermind. Forget it Mulder," Scully looked away dejectedly. "Scully we can't leave it like this," Mulder persisted. "Not when I know there's a problem, and not after everything that has happened." "Geez Mulder, you sound like we really are married trying to patch things up." Scully said, getting off the bed in their cabin. She went and stood by the window, staring into the moonlight through the cloudy panes. Mulder followed her with his gaze. Damn, she's beautiful, he thought. "It feels that way sometimes." Scully spun around exasperated. He always managed to dance on her heart when she least expected it, not to mention her nerves. "What's that supposed to mean? Huh, Mulder? We're not trying to save our marrige here. This is a ruse; a cover-up, or has the case gone to your head? We're not a married couple, Mulder. We don't love each other." Scully met his unguarded eyes and saw the raw emotion there. The truth, that had only been real in her dreams, until that moment. He'd said the words once, and she didn't believe him... "Scully, I think you know how I feel..." Before he could continue, they were interrupted by frantic knocking. Scully went to the door, as Mulder slowly withdrew his gun from the nightstand drawer. When it was safely out of view, he nodded grimly to Scully, and she pulled open the door. Becky Platt stould outside, her brown eyes as big as saucers. "Anna you'll never believe this! It's Gretta Valentine--she's dead!" The Winklers (3/4) Michelle Ferguson Disclaimer in first part Day Three "Alright Sir--yes, we'll keep you posted," Scully assured Skinner, before snapping her cell phone shut. She surveyed the courtyard for Mulder, and spotted him next to the pond, talking to a detective. Staying awake all night handling an unexpected murder had taken it's toll on her partner's physical appearence. Dark circles shadowed his eyes, and he walked slouched over, as opposed to his usual stellar posture. He wasn't the only one. She couldn't stop yawning. They were no strangers to all-nighters and fatigue, but this was different. Normally, she had one thing on her mind during a case--solving it. But one thing kept playing over and over again in her head, her heated conversation with Mulder, right before they got wrapped up in this damn murder mystery. She had tried ordering her self to take her mind off of her relationship with Mulder. Oh God, am I really calling it that now?, she asked herself with dread. "Well, I talked to the police department and they agreed to leave it up to us. I guess we're just two feds in the right place at the right time." Mulder said as he came sauntering up out of no where. I am tired, Scully thought, blinking at her partner. "Skinner wasn't very surprised that something like this would happen. He said the unexplainable must travel with us." Mulder shook his head. "No, I'm pretty sure this is no X-File. Just your typical murder. The only questions now are who, and why." Scully smirked. "That narrows it down." "I talked to Mr. Lewis earlier, when you were interviewing the, uh, the..." Mulder fumbled for name. "The Gartons," Scully filled in. "Yes, the elderly couple. By the way, I hope Mr. Garton can get to point in his life where he isn't ashamed to be impotent." Mulder said genuinely. "Remember, Gretta's last advice was 'Try Viagra, Mr. Garton. It works wonders for Lewie and I.' If Lewis Valentine is as reluctant to talk about his problem as Mr. Garton was, I can definitely see a motive there." Mulder smiled. Scully's so great, he thought, and then felt like slapping himself upside the head. Concentrate, he ordered himself. "Mr. Valentine was pretty shaken up about his wife's death, he was crying by the time I finished speaking to him. He's a nice old man, and he genuinely seems clueless about her murder. I really can't see luring his wife to the woods and then shooting her in the head." "That's nice Mulder but we can't catch our man, or woman, or rule out any suspects, on intuition alone." "No there's something else. Gretta Valentine was shot last night, between the time the group session ended and Mark Deluca, a staff member heard Gretta's dog, Sampson, barking in the woods. Either way it was dark outside with only the moon, and the lights of the camp in the distance. If Gretta had her dog with her, and there was no struggle, then the shooting couldn't have been at close range." "So it was somebody with a flashlight, or someone who knew their way around those woods, like Mr. Valentine for instance, or somebody with a good eye. Or I don't know, maybe they wore night-vision goggles." "Something tells me Mr. Valentine didn't go on many long walks in the woods; he could barely take three steps without collasping in exhaustion. Plus with all his loud weezing and that cane, he wasn't exactly light on his feet. She and her dog could have heard him lurking in the distance a mile away. Gretta would have noticed any strange lights besides her own flashlight, so that rules out the possiblity of the murderer carrying one." Scully was quickly catching on. It was becoming impossible to pinpoint Lewis Valentine as the gunmen. "Not to mention his shaky hand," she said, recalling that Gretta had asked her opinion on a new medication her husband was taking, that made his movements jittery. "And the fact that he's as blind as a bat. I saw the prescription for his eyeglasses, and confirmed it with a call to his doctor. He's on the verge of being legally blind." Mulder added. "Okay so Lewis Valentine didn't pull the trigger. That dosen't mean he couldn't have hired a proffessional hitman to take his wife out, for whatever the reason." "That's a possibility. It's going to be hell getting answers out of him, though, now that he has family flying in. From what I've heard, he's the oldest Valentine out there, and his family is very protective and very dissaproving of his marrige to Gretta." Scully gritted her teeth, but couldn't keep in her yawn. Mulder grinned. "Long night huh?" Scully nodded. "I hate to admit it, but if I don't get a caffeine boost soon, I'm gonna bite the dust." "There's probably still a fresh pot in the office. C'mon, I'll walk with you." Mulder offered. Scully thought about telling him in no uncertain terms that she could walk by herself, but then decided against it. Why start a fight now, when they had enough to think about already. So she said nothing, and let Mulder's gentle touch on the small of her back guide her, as it had for so many years. When they got to the office, Scully saw Gina the staff member weeping, as she gave the Platts paperwork to fill out, so they could get a refund in the mail. Becky held up her hands in mock surrender. "Don't shoot, we're unarmed." She had really gotten a kick out of learning that her new friend was really an undercover FBI Agent. "I-I wonder if th-that's what Gre-Gretta said?" Gina cried, before bursting into another fit of tears. David glared at his wife, and Becky's expression turned sheepish. "Geez, I'm sorry, uh..." she squinted at the name tag, "Gina." "N-no that's okay. Mrs. Valen-Mrs. Valentine would ha-have wanted her employees to be friend-friendly and pro-professional. You can fill this out o-o-over there," she said, pointing to two chairs in the corner. As David turned in the key and Mulder got coffee, Scully sat with Becky as she filled out the neccesary forms. "It's really a shame that the retreat had to end this way," Scully said. "I was hoping Agent Mulder and I could go back to D.C. with a far different report than this." "I feel like such a bitch Dana. I take back every mean thing I ever said about Gretta. She was too fucking pretty to get my respect, and acted like she was too innocent to be such a threat to my marrige, but she didn't deserve to be shot down while taking her dog for a piss." Scully flinched slightly at her language. "I'm sorry, I can be pretty blunt when I get upset." Scully was a little bothered by her words. If she thought Gretta Valentine was too dangerous to be around her already crumbling marrige, how far would she go to keep her away? "That's alright, I think we're all a little upset right now. But Becky, you said that she was a threat to your marrige. Did Gretta do anything, to make you think that?" Becky frowned. "When it was just the three of us, in the private theropy sessions, things were a little tense. And David was so eager to come up here...I don't know, I've just had this little nagging suspicion to deal with." Scully nodded. "I see." Suddenly Becky's eyes grew wide. "Oh shit, don't tell I just made myself a suspect to that poor woman's murder! You've got to be kidding." "My partner and I have to investigate all angles, even the unlikely ones. It's our job." "Look, Miss FBI," Becky said angrily, raising her voice. "I may be a jealous wife, but I'm no murderer. And David's not either. So stop accusing us of crimes we didn't commit." By then she had everyone's full attention, including the sobbing receptionist's. Something flashed in David's eyes that to Mulder looked like sheer panic for a moment, but it was quickly replaced by anger. He stalked to where the two women stood, and used himself as a barrier between them. "What exactly are our charges, Agent Scully?" He asked icily. "I haven't charged your wife nor you with anything, Mr. Platt. I asked her a few questions and she assumed the worst." "And you let her?!" David demanded. "My wife is pregnant, a very delicate condition you'd know, if you've ever experienced it yourself." He paused, remembering something she'd said in group. A wicked grin spread across his face. "Oh that's right, you never will." Before Scully had time to muster up a dignified reply, Mulder took care of it. With a swift, knuckle-cracking blow to David Platt's smug face. Mulder held the cold washrag to his knuckles, and cursed. He'd meant to teach David Platt a lesson in respect, not mangle his own right hand into a bloody pulp. Well, at any rate, the asswhole deserved it. After what Platt did, he'd never seen that look on Scully's face before. She was...crushed. That's the only word he could use to describe it. He hit him twice, though the second time was when Platt took a swing back at him. Mulder would have done more, had Gina the receptionist not flew out from behind her desk like a deranged, mental hospital escapee, brandishing a stapler and screaming that if they didn't stop the fight in Gretta's office, she'd stop it for them. They broke it off, and Mulder hadn't seen the Platts since. His guess was that they were off somewhere, filing a lawsuit. He had thrown the first punch after all. But not without just provocation. No one was going hurt Scully that way, and expect to get away with it. He'd done things to hurt her too, maybe not deliberately, but they still left their painful imprint on her already fragile heart. Mulder wasn't going to pretend he hadn't been the cause of most of her dispairs, but he was paying for it dearly. Hell, he practically lived his life in guilt and lonliness. But he deserved it, and it even suited him to some degree. Not being able to conceive children was maybe the greatest tragedy in Scully's life, with the exception of Emily. It was secretly his worst nightmare, but if she ever found a way out of the mad career she had been swept into on account of him, if she ever got a chance to settle down with a family and a real home, her life would still never be complete. Although he dreaded it, more and more he'd seen Scully ache for the American dream. He wanted so bad for her to have that. But at the same time, the day they parted ways for good would be his ultimate undoing. "What a selfish bastard I am," he remarked, just waiting for the Cigarette Smoking Man and his cronies to show up. He deserved a good lynching, and it was the perfect way to end his pointless life. Hey, at least Scully would get some peace. "I woun't call you a selfish bastard," Scully said behind him, yanking him out of the depths of his lugubrious thoughts. "Thanks for getting that ice pack Scully," Mulder said, with only a trace of woefulness still lingering in his voice. "That was out of line back there Mulder." Scully said, gently prying the washrag out of his grasp, and applying the ice pack to his damaged knuckes. She handled him like a child, and Mulder was briefly reminded of Florence Nightengale, offering comfort to dying soldiers. Snap out of it, he silently ordered himself. "Tell me about it. He knew the minute those words left his mouth that he had it coming. Scully shot his disbelieving look. "I was talking about you, Mulder." Mulder lept to his feet, suprised. "Me? I put that--that slime in his place." "You started a fistfight in there, Mulder. What were you thinking?" "I was thinking," he mocked her superior tone, "that I was willing to defend you to the death if I had too." He exclaimed with bravado that could have belonged to Odysseus himself. To Scully, it just sounded pig-headed. "Don't you see though? You didn't have to defend me. I can take care of myself." "Your idea of taking care of yourself is letting every insult and wisecrack dumbasses like Platt throw at you go. You can't tell me you can shrug that off so easily, especially when its personal, like your inability to have children." "Of course it gets to me Mulder. I'm human, how could it not? But I'd rather not give people the satisfaction of knowing that. *That's* my revenge." "Okay say you were in the cafeteria at work," Mulder challenged. "Say you heard two people--I don't know, ah, Skinner's secretary and Agent Hawkins from the crime lab making jokes about how everything we stand for and investigate is a joke." She didn't look impressed. "People have said that for years, I don't let it bother me anymore." "Okay then. Say that you overheard them talking about my sister, and they said that Samantha wasn't abducted, she just ran away from home to get away from Spooky Mulder." This time her powder blue eyes shone with the fierce light of battle. "I'd rip them apart." Mulder looked supremely pleased. "My point exactly." "With words, Mulder. Sharp, intelligent words. Not my fists. You know, you're lucky you didn't need stitches." He sighed in exasperation. "How was I suppose to know his face had been practically chiseled out of rock?" Scully decided to lay the present conversation to rest. "At any rate, did you notice how fast the Platts were to assume that they were about to be arrested for Gretta's murder. Becky got very defensive. I haven't known her long, but from what I've seen, she's never normally like that." "When Becky started making a commotion about being unlawfully accused, David panicked. You could see it in his eyes. He got very tense." "As much as I hate to think of Becky being involved in all of this, I think the Platts are our best lead at this point. I can't figure out why she'd murder Gretta, no matter how jealous she was." "Jealous?" Mulder asked. "Did she think that David and Gretta were lovers? Were they aquainted with the Valentines before coming here?" Scully shrugged, and put a stray lock of copper hair behind her ear, a gesture that drove Mulder wild. He ducked his head to hide his awestruck expression. "I don't know. Becky did say that the retreat was David's idea and he was eager to get here, when these things aren't normally his cup of tea. She also mentioned that things were uncomfortable when it was just the three of them." "I think it's time to pay the Platts another visit. We should also talk to Valentine again." Scully studied Mulder's busted knuckles. It looked painful, but her partner'd been through worse. "I'm going to go and try to make peace with the Platts. But, ah, Mulder. I don't think it would a very good idea if you came," she hedged. "The battle scars between you and Platt are still pretty raw." She waited for a protest, but Mulder only smiled. "I agree. I'm gonna take off, and go get our hotel rooms. Who knows how long we'll be in town." Scully eyed him suspiciously for a minute, trying to tell if he was deliberately forgetting to mention any other plans. She decided he wasn't and smiled. "Okay, see you later," Scully called over her shoulder, the screen door banging behind her. Mulder watched her walk into the sunlight, it's golden rays turning her hair to fire. He rarely got to see her dressed so casually, in well-worn Levi's, a plain, white, v-neck t-shirt, and running shoes. Although he knew she carried her badge and gun and she was nothing less than alert and proffessional, he was still happy she wasn't in one of those suits. Hell, the only reason she wasn't was because she hadnt had time to change clothes. But that didn't matter. It was as if she'd let her hair down, metaphorically speaking. Maybe it had something to do with their talk the night before. Right before Becky came banging on their door, he was ready to confess his feelings for her. Scully knew it, too. Perhaps because of that, she felt more--well, liberated. 'Long shot,' a voice in his head sneered. It was probably right. Scully walked into the main office to find Gina putting the contents of her desk into a cardboard box. "Mr. Valentine hasn't said anything official, but I'm getting a head start. There's nothing left for me here," she admitted. "Um, Gina. I went to smooth things over with the Platts just now, and they're gone." "The Platts? Oh they checked out about twenty minutes ago. They were in a big hurry. I guess they want to beat the traffic to the airport or something." "Could you give me their address please?" Gina perked up, as if she was asked to participate in official police business. "Sure Agent Scully. But you know, if you want to send them an apology card, I wouldn't. I heard what Mr. Platt said, he really dosen't deserve it. Gretta didn't like him either." Yes, Scully thought. Some answers. "Did she happen to tell you why she didn't like David Platt?" "Yeah. We were talking about all of the couples yesterday afternoon. She said that it felt like she'd seen him before, and he was always watching her while he and his wife were there. Plus, she told me that she was going to check on her husband the day everyone showed up, and Mr. Valentine was having a very private conversation with Mr. Platt. She didn't catch what they were saying, but when she asked what they were talking about, they got very secretive, and what Mr. Valentine told her was a lie. She said she could always tell when Mr. Valentine lied, that's how she knew." "So he is involved," Scully said aloud. "Whoa, whoa. You think that Mr. Valentine and Mr. Platt murdered Gretta?" "I don't know anything for sure yet. Listen Gina, this is very important. Did Gretta confide anything else with you? Anything about trouble between she and Lewis? Any little thing could mean something very big." Gina twirled strand of dark brown hair around her finger. "Uh, not really. He was a low-maintenance husband. Gretta could pretty much do as she pleased without a protest." But for how long? Scully wondered. Everyone has their breaking point. Maybe Gretta had done something that pushed Lewis Valentine to his. It still didn't explain David's connection. Unless...suddenly she remembered being introduced to David. Becky said that he did work for private clients. Scully had harbored bad feelings about him since she first laid eyes on him. And he was eager to get to the retreat. She deduced the facts in her head, and came out with the solution she'd dreaded, for Becky's sake. Lewis Valentine must have hired David to kill Gretta. A sniper's bullet killed Gretta, a hitman's bullet. They'd need something. Contracts, bank statements confirming the transfer of funds, a murder weapon. It could take her and Mulder days to get enough evidence for a warrant, but she was almost certain David Platt was her man. Along with Valentine of course. "Um...Agent Scully?" Gina said, bringing her out of her train of thought. "Don't you need that address?" "Oh yes, thank-you," Scully said, pulling out her cell phone and dialing Mulder, to tell him her theory. One ring, two rings, Gina handed her the address on a piece of paper, and Scully walked outside with it. Three rings, four...Something wasn't right. When Mulder didn't answer his phone it meant one of two things. Either he was unconscious and bleeding in some unusual location with little recollection of how he got there, or he'd run out on her to go on some wild lead, and he knew she wring him out if she got a hold of him. Although the mere thought of him ditching her made her blood boil, she chose to believe the latter. The thought of Mulder hurt and unconscious was terrifying. As she'd learned from past experiences, where Mulder was concerned, fury was more assuring than terror. On the seventh ring, a woman's voice answered. "Hello?" A wave of nausea hit Scully head on. The voice belonged to a female, a woman that sounded just like Gretta. Of course it wasn't her, just her type. Tall, beautiful. Everything Mulder desired. "Ah, I'm looking for Agent Mulder," Scully said awkwardly. Her face burned. She felt like a fool. "He's out at the moment," the quiet voice whispered. It sounded familiar somehow. She didn't neccesarily want the answer, but she had to ask. "Who is this?" "Um...yes, thank-you good-bye." "Wait! Hello, hello? Is anyone there?" Something was definitely wrong. Scully hit redial, and waited. "We're sorry. The cellular customer you are trying to reach is not..." "Shit!" She yelled, snapping her phone shut and chunking it into her bag. She sprinted all the way to the parking lot, and spotted their gold Taurus rental. The driver side door was wide open and the keys were in the ignition with the car running, but there was no sign of Mulder. She spun around to check in the cabin, and ran smack into David Platt, sending her flailing on her ass. The Winklers (4/4) Michelle Ferguson Disclaimer in first part Mulder fought off another awful urge to scratch his nose and sighed. He wasn't going to be handling any itches, not while his own handcuffs were being used to keep his hands behind the hard wooden chair he was confined to. It had taken fifteen minutes of making every noise possible, just to get Jan to take the duct tape off of his mouth. She'd finally ripped it off painfully, sending burning, stinging pain all through his face, but not before hanging up on Scully and turning off the his phone. He tried the rope again. Nope, it was still securley around his feet. Jan Threadgill ain't no ameture, he thought in annoyance. He and Scully were off base on their suspect. Way off base. He'd only thought of the Threadgills once since Gretta's murder, but he could't see any connection whatsoever, and so he let them fade into the background. That was until he was getting ready to back out of the parking lot of the Harmony Retreat and saw someone in the woods nearby. He jumped out of the car without even shutting the door, ran into the woods towards the movement, and stopped. There was nothing there. Or so he thought, because the next thing he knew he was handcuffed and tied to a chair in a hotel room With Jan Threadgill pointing his own weapon at his head. It was much harder to solve a case when it didn't deal with the paranormal, or mutants, or ghosts, or other freakish beings or phenomenons. This was simply a tragic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, nothing good would come out of it, no madmen would be behind bars. Well, maybe one madwoman. "What do I do? What do I do?" Jan paced the hotel room, back and fourth, swiping the occasional tear. "It'll work out," Mulder said, rather boredly. This just didn't have the flare his usual hostage situations did. Jan looked at him as if was him who went insane, and not her. "How can you say that? My kids, my husband...oh God, his political career. I've ruined him!" Mulder glanced to where Rusty Threadgill lay on the hotel bed snoring, heavily drugged with sleeping pills. He wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon, and when he did, boy was he in for a surprise. Mulder sort of felt sorry for the poor guy. "Rusty'll understand, Jan. It was an honest mistake. He loves you." He thought of the love of his life. There was no doubt it was Scully trying to call him, and by now she'd be searching all over for him. Hopefully, Becky and David wouldn't have run scared all the way back to Houston. Scully needed Becky right then, more than she realized. "I had know way of knowing it was her. It was so dark, I didn't have a flashlight." Jan cried in her soft, guilt-ridden voice. "I saw the blonde hair, I assumed it was her. I, I..." "You didn't know it would be Gretta there, in the woods, and not Becky," Mulder finished for her. At the mention of Becky, Jan's eyes turned dark, hate raging in their depths. "That little tramp took everything I had away from me. She was sixteen and she stold my husband. My dignity. I lost my sense of reality. I hated the world." Mulder tried to look concerned, but the truth is, he was getting a little hungry. "I understand your pain, Mrs. Threadgill." Jan laughed a loud, a bitter sound that sent a chill up Mulder's spine. "You understand? Ha! No one can understand, Agent Mulder." "Try me." Jan gazed at him cautiously, then nodded. "Okay. Tell me this. Have you ever had something you cherished more than life itself stolen from you? Have you ever blamed yourself for so long that you have this self-image of complete hate for yourself? And have you ever mourned your loss for so long, that you began to forget what's reality, and what's just another nightmare?" Mulder closed his eyes, the pain of sleeples, lonley nights and years of dead-ends keeping him mute. Samantha. The name, descrption, or just a young girl on the street with a slight resemblance, could bring back the memories. Ones he struggled to remember, ones he would spend a life-time trying to forget. The memory of the night she was taken was forever etched in his brain, a reminder of why he got up every morning to face the angry mob he called life. He wasn't so different from Jan Threadgill. They'd both lost something irreplacable and in many ways it destroyed them beyond repair. The only difference was that Mulder was still braving the current, the storm. Jan had thrown in her oars and let the sea of insanity take her completely. But seeing her pace the room, the blood of an innocent person on her hands, only reaffirmed to him, how closely he walked the edge of sanity. He would have slipped, plummeted down to depths of dispair forever, if it hadn't been for one person. Scully. And if he got free, no, when he got free, he intended to let her know how much she meant to him. Once and for all. "David look where you're going once in a while, huh?" Becky said, as David Platt hauled Scully to her feet. She immeditately whipped out her gun and aimed at his chest. "Where's Mulder?" "Your partner?" David asked quizacally. "Don't play dumb with me, I know you murdered Gretta Valentine. Now where is he?" "Murder?! David didn't murder anyone Dana!" Becky exclaimed frantically, trying to save the man she loved. "But in a way I did." Scully's eyes widened. "What do you mean?" "Becky I told you it's not your fault," David said. "You were a different person back then." "Honey, if it'll help catch the person that murdered Gretta..." "I still don't think it's a good idea..." "Somebody better start talking!" Scully bellowed, interrupting their moral debate. Becky took a deep breath and looked glumly at Scully. "I'm not the same person I used to be, Dana. I've changed, mellowed out. You should know that first." Scully nodded, willing her to go on. "When I was sixteen, I fell in love with an older, married man. I stold him away from his wife, and they ended up getting divorced over me. They had kids and everything. His wife went off the deep end. She started stalking me and my family, threatening and harassing us, so we moved to Houston to get away. I felt really bad. I always have. "I'm a jealous wife now because I was a husband stealer then. I thought I put it out of my life, driving that poor woman to insanity. Anyway, now she's back. And I think she killed Gretta Valentine out there in the woods, thinking it was me. Fuck, I would have wanted to kill me too, you know?" Scully processed this information. "Who, Becky?" Becky sighed. "If it's true, I've ruined her life again. Her last name was Jennings when I knew, well, knew of her. Jan Jennings. It's Threadgill now." The voice on Mulder's cell phone. It was familiar to her. Soft, shy. The voice of Jan Threadgill. "Becky thank-you. You may have just saved my partner." "I think you can point that gun somewhere else now, Agent Scully," David said staring into the barrel of the gun with a pale face. The gun didn't waver. "What exactly is your involvement with Lewis Valentine, Mr.Platt?" She demanded. "Simple. He hired me as his private eye. To investigate his wife." "For what?" "Well it was the most idiotic asinine reason for which I found no proof or reason to believe that..." "For what?" She repeated, losing patience. David cleared his throat. "Brainwashing." Scully lowered her gun and lowered her head, and laughed. What a royal fuck-up of a case, on she and Mulder's part. Had it not been for the Platts, this would have put quite an embarrassing blemish on their solve rate record. She had an idea of why they handled this case so badly. Distraction. They were a distraction to each other. Always wondering what each other were thinking, she'd caught him gazing at her more than once, and she'd been caught a few times too. When it came down to it, it was time to stop beating around the bush. To stop acting like coy fourteen year olds, and get down to the point. She wanted him, he wanted her. Well, she was pretty sure he wanted her too. She was hopeful. "Well if hope is all I have to go on, then dammit let's go." She declared fiercely, feeling proud to love such a special man. "That's the spirit!" Becky cheered enthusiastically, totally oblivious to Scully's real meaning. "Don't worry, you'll get him back." Exactly four hours after Mulder had been taken hostage, he heard a sound at the door that was music to his ears. Of course Jan wouldn't be able to hear anything, before police bursted in to anywhere, they had a habit of being as quiet as possible. Mulder had been in these situations numerous times, and the sound was unmistakable. The rustling of uniforms, quiet whispers going over the plan of attack one more time. Mulder could visualize the countdown that was being mouthed right outside the door, and though he couldn't tell for sure, he had a feeling that it was being led by Scully. He took a fleeting glance at Jan, and wished her all the help she needed. Four...three...two...and then finally in a burst of shouts and orders, he was saved. As the police were handcuffing a shell-shocked Jan, Scully came to wear Mulder was sitting, and smiled. "You know, I thought I heard someone at the door," Mulder teased, as she silently undid his handcuffs. He flexed his wrists and stretched. The excrutiating throbbing in his head had been reduced to a dull ache, thanks to the Advil that Jan had generously fed him with a glss of water. "Are you all right Mulder?" Scully asked, gingerly touching the back of his head. "This is a pretty nasty bump. You could have a concussion." "I'm fine." She didn't look convinced, as she felt his forehead. "Any dizziness? Nausea? Drifting in and out of consciousness?" "Scully, I said I was fine," Mulder snapped. She took her hand away immediately, as if she'd been bit at while trying to feed a stray dog. You're fucking this up, Mulder's inner voice said. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "I've just been sitting in this chair for four hours with a pounding headache." "It would have been hours longer, had Becky and David not come back to the retreat to tell us about her affair with Jan's first husband. After they had me convinced, it was just a matter of making some calls. Locating Jan. Orchestrating a bust. We were way off on this case Mulder. David Platt was a private investigator hired by Lewis Valentine. He was investigating Gretta for suspicion of mind-control. Just like us." Mulder stood up, his feet now free of the rope that bound them together. He gathered Scully in his arms and hugged her tightly. He was thankful to have her in his life, no matter what role she played. "Mind-control huh? Well, the mind is a terrible thing to waste." Scully tilted her head, so that her eyes met his. There was no turning back now. "Love is a terrible thing to waste." One Week later "So that's it? I presume Jan Threadgill is in jail, awaiting trial," Skinner said, skimming over their official report for the second time. Mulder nodded. "We turned our evidence over to the Forest Grove police department, and they took it from there. After spending the night in a motel..." he paused and met Scully's eyes, remembering the night of discoveries, promise, and love. "We checked out the next morning, and took the first available flight back to D.C." Skinner studied them closely. Something had changed between his two impossible agents. They seemed--happier, closer. Job well done Walter ol' boy, he congratulated himself silently. "Good work," said simply. "You're dismissed. Oh and feel free to take the rest of the day off. You've certainly earned it." Mulder and Scully got up quietly, and walked out of the office. Skinner noticed the guiding touch on Scully's back. Praise the lord they were back in business. When they got to their own office, Scully turned to Mulder. "I think I'm going to take Skinner up on his offer and head home. It's been a long week." Mulder looked disapointed for a moment, but it quickly disappeared. "Oh, okay. Go ahead. I'l finish up here." Scully chuckled awkwardly. She'd hoped he would have read between the lines. Their relationship was new. It was easy to miss things. "Um, are you sure?" Mulder barely glanced up from his computer screen. He'd been sent an anonymous e-mail, regarding a mysterious string of fishing deaths in Montana. "Yeah, sure. Go ahead." She picked up her briefcase, blinking back inexplicable tears. "See you later, then." Scully was in the parking garage unlocking her door when she heard frantic footsteps behind her. She turned around to see Mulder running towards her. "Hey Scully wait up!" "Mulder," she said, her voice sounding strange to her own ears. He stopped a few feet away from her, an apologetic expression on his face that took her breath away He knew he really didn't deserve her, but how had he managed to screw up this fast? "I took the day off...to spend with you." "Mulder you didn't have to do that," Scully offered, but she was silently thrilled, and it shown on her face. Mulder took a step forward, so that they were a hairsbreath apart. "I wanted too," he said simply, caressing her silken face with the palm of his hand. And then he kissed her. End. So what do you think?