TITLE: Eight Years AUTHOR: aRcaDIaNFall$ FEEDBACK: arcadianfalls@yahoo.com.au RATING: PG SPOILERS: Very minor ones for Syzygy, War Of The Coprohages, How The Ghosts Stole Christmas. Seasons 7/8/9 irrelevant but it's set around the 8 year mark. CLASSIFICATION: S R A SUMMARY: Investigating several disappearances, Mulder and Scully go undercover in marriage therapy. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This one has been a long time in the making and is quite different from what I normally write, so feedback would be particularly appreciated this time - just be kind, please. :) --> http://www.geocities.com/arcadianfalls/ Eight Years (1/2) by aRcaDIaNFall$ -----> MULDER "The issue here, my friends, is trust. Marriages are breaking down left and right, and why? Because we no longer trust each other. The world is too full of lies. Faith in our fellow men no longer exists. We distrust, but we distrust not only the world and its evils but also those closest to us, those who we *need* to trust. We see unfaithfulness all around us and because we do not truly trust those whom we love, we begin to wonder if they share in the world's infidelity. We no longer trust our mothers, our fathers, our brothers, our husbands or wives, and as a result these relationships disintegrate." I shifted my coffee mug to one hand and stifled a yawn as inconspicuously as possible. Beside me, Scully was listening intently, head tilted to one side, stockinged feet drawn up under her. I reached out to touch her, intending to put my arm around her shoulders, but she shot me a warning glance and I pulled back. I stifled another yawn, shrugging my stiff shoulders and cracking my fingers. I felt her glaring at me but busied myself glancing around the room at the other couples and finally at the group therapist. He was pacing as he talked, gesturing as he explained. Trust isn't easy to achieve. You have to work for it. Trust is a two-way street. Trust is the way to true happiness. Trust is - I was starting to fidget. I jammed my hand into my pocket and slid my fingers around the small rectangular recorder, feeling the faintest vibrations in my hand as it whirred, documenting every word. "So, Deborah, you say that trust is the biggest problem in your marriage? Why is it that you find it so hard to trust Sam, you think?" I tuned out again, glancing across at Scully as she stretched her legs out ahead of her, rearranging herself in the corner of the couch. I pulled a pitiful face and she glared at me again. "Peggy? Jack? I'm seeing some tension between you two tonight." I looked up to find Dr Wenham regarding Scully and I through his spectacles. "There is some anger between you, yes? Peggy, you chose not to sit close to your husband on the couch?" Scully looked a little antsy in the limelight. She looked across at me, her face tight. "We're fine." Wenham shook his head, disapproving. "No, no, no. We don't like lies in our group. You came here to heal your marriage, Peggy. We can't help you unless you are honest with us." "It's just that time of the month," I jumped in. I patted the couch beside me. "Come on, honey. Sit closer." Shooting daggers, she grudgingly slid an inch or two closer. I put my arm around her, pulling her right against me, and for good measure I dropped a kiss on her forehead. Wenham and the other four couples in the circle were all still staring at us. "Peggy, you don't wish to share any problems with us?" Wenham pushed. "No," she answered firmly, an angry edge to her voice. Don't mess with me, buddy. "We're fine." -----> SCULLY "What did you think you were doing, Mulder? We're not there to draw attention to ourselves. We lay low, play the part when necessary -" "I got bored, okay? He was yapping on and on and I got bored." "Right, you don't like the assignment so you're going to do a half-assed job of it, is that it?" I ripped the wire out of my shirt and dug around in my bag angrily for the recorder. "That's not you, Mulder." "This isn't an x-file, Scully. It's a waste of our time." "It got sent down to us because somebody did think it's an x-file. And even if it isn't, Mulder, people have disappeared. Finding them shouldn't be considered a waste of time." "Sc-" I didn't give him a chance. "And what's with the PMS comment?" "I was just trying to deflect the attention away from us. Lay low, Scully. If you hadn't been glaring at me the whole time -" "We were wriggling like a five year old. You were paying absolutely no attention-" "'We no longer trust our mothers, our fathers, our brothers, our husbands or wives -'" he quoted. I was unimpressed. I tugged the barrett from my hair, pulling with it half a dozen strands, and ran my fingers roughly through my hair until it fell back in place. Tossing the barrett in my bag, I pulled out my car keys, shoving the key in the lock and twisting it violently. I just wanted to get away from him. "I'm going home, Mulder. Goodnight." -----> MULDER Third session. How much longer were we going to give this operation? I couldn't stand it much longer. I handed Scully a mug of coffee and she held out a piece of cake on napkin. Best part of the night - the supper provided just before the session began. I'd get the coffee for us both, she'd get the cake or sandwiches or whatever it happened to be. That was the best we worked together all evening. I was starting to think maybe we'd managed two sessions straight to shy away from attention - at Scully's insistence; if I had a choice I could have been having some fun with the whole thing - when Dr Wenham pounced on us. We were side by side on the couch, my arm around her. She was resting her coffee mug on my knee, which I found oddly erotic. I liked being that close to her. Her protests aside, I was pretty sure she liked it too. -----> SCULLY "Peggy and Jack, you two seem to be doing better. Do you want to tell us about anything that's happened between you during the last week?" "We're doing well," I agreed evasively. "Nothing you'd like to share with the group? Remember, we share because we care." I smiled politely at the tagline. Mulder and I hadn't really sat down and worked out how we would deal with any questions, beyond establishing that Peggy and Jack were 'having problems'. Mulder could ad lib with the best, when called on. "We took a time out," Mulder announced, deliberately using the therapist's phraseology, 'time out'. "Tell them about it, Peg." I pulled away from him. Whoa, me tell? Mulder, you're the b.s.-ing genuis. You tell em. "Peggy?" Dr Wenham waited patiently. "Uhhhhhh..." I looked to Mulder for guidance, feeling myself flush as I met curious, enquiring eyes around the room. "It was great," Mulder enthused wickedly. "A big open field in the middle of nowhere, the night sky with all those stars. Just me and Peg and a big blanket. Sweet, sweet lovemaking, hey, baby?" I could have killed him. I gritted my teeth, trying to hold the anger back and forced a wan smile as I felt the blood rushing to my face. He pulled me close against him again, kissing my forehead. "It's interesting that you've used the term 'lovemaking'," Dr Wenham observed. I didn't like the way he was staring at us. The guy was creepy. But that wasn't any proof that he was the kidnapper we were looking for and it certainly wasn't giving us any clues where the missing couples were. He looked around the group slowly, his eyes stopping on every couple as he spoke. "In today's society many people see the act of sex as being only physical. They lose the spirituality of it. It becomes less about love. In fact, for many couples it becomes something akin to a chore." His gaze returned to us. I still felt about a foot tall but at least had regained some self-control. "Peggy, Jack, how often would you say you make love, on average?" I winced internally at the question. How the hell did we end up with this case, the bureau's most single and celebate agents in marriage therapy discussing sex? "Oh... Two, three times a week?" Mulder shrugged, smiling. "And you've been married how long?" "Eight wonderful years." Mulder again, with that saccharine sweetness. "No children?" This time he hesitated. "No." That answer was quieter. He had suddenly stopped having fun. The therapist had picked up on that. "No desire to have children, or problems conceiving?" I stayed silent, feeling queasy but trusting Mulder. "Problems conceiving." "This is difficult to talk about, yes?" Wenham asked, watching us closely. I answered that one, unsteady, uncertain of why we were suddenly being honest. "Sometimes." "You fight? You blame?" "No. Not each other." "But there is stress, yes?" I tilted my head slightly in acknowledgement. Dr Wenham nodded, then glanced at his watch. "We'll finish there today, I think. A successful session, everyone." -----> MULDER POV She sat for a moment, steadying herself, then stood, tugging me to my feet. I knew what she was thinking. That had gotten too close. I shouldn't have let it get personal. This wasn't about us. We reached my car; I'd picked her up this time to save us waiting for everybody to leave before taking off separately. "I think we should pull out," I said quietly. "We've got nothing on Wenham. We're not going to get anything." "He's our only lead," she objected. "There's no other way to find out what happened to those people." "We're not getting anywhere with this approach." "We're on the inside. Mulder, one of those couples in there might very well be his next victims. They deserve some protection." "I think we should make an arrest. They've got enough at least to detain him and search his house and office. Scully, I'm sick of pretending. We -" "Peggy! Jack!" It was a woman from the therapy group, Gina Robson. She was a vivacious young woman but had an acid tongue when it came to her husband, Allan. He was quiet, tolerating it with a sort of dry indifference. Gina was smiling brightly at us, Allan hung back, giving us a brief wave. Scully turned to face them and I pulled her against me, folding my arms around her snugly to reassure her I'd still play along. Gina beamed. "Al and I were just talking about you two. Wondering if you'd like to come back to our place for coffee? We've got so much in common, the four of us. Al and I really love to meet other couples and I just *know* we'd have so much to talk about together. So, what do you say?" I looked at my watch, exaggerated. "It's getting late -" "Only half-past nine," Scully dismissed, extracting herself from my grip. She smiled at Gina. "We'd love to." -----> SCULLY They had a large, modern apartment. No children, no pets. It was impeccably neat. A house, not a home. How could people live like this? "Come on in, welcome," Gina announced, gesturing freely. "Shoes off, feet up, whatever makes you comfortable." She tossed her husband her jacket and smiled at Mulder. "Jack, honey, could you come help me with the coffee?" I caught Mulder's eye and he hesitated for a second, then shrugged. "Sure." "Take a seat," Allan Robson said quietly, sitting himself in an angular red armchair. "They'll only be a minute. Don't worry about Gina. She's harmless enough." "Excuse me?" He smiled slightly, waving a hand dismissively. "So, Peggy - I'm sorry, I don't think we even know your last name." "Jefferson," I supplied, smiling tightly. "Peggy Jefferson." He gazed at me as he savoured the name. "You're very attractive, Peggy Jefferson." That was the last thing I expected. I dropped my gaze to my hands, flustered. "You don't hear that often enough, I see," he remarked. "Your husband doesn't tell you that you're beautiful?" "Of course he does," I answered quickly, shrugging. "But that's... different." "How often do you really make love?" *Excuse* me? "I don't think I'm comfortable-" "I know he lied in group about that. I'm just curious, Peggy." "I can't see that it's any of your business, if you'll forgive me for saying so." "By all means. Ah, Gina, Jack. Peg and I were just talking about some things we covered in group tonight." Mulder handed me a mug of coffee, his eyebrow raised. The couch cushions sank as he sat beside me and for once I wasn't annoyed at how close he insisted on sitting. "So," I began quickly, before anybody could ask any more embarrassing questions. "How long have you been in Dr Wenham's group?" "Ten months, isn't it, Al?" "So you would have known Dale and Erica Wingetti, then?" "Dale and Erica? Sure. They were there... what, September to November last year. Are they friends of yours? Things all patched up between them, now? They left without really saying goodbye." "Actually, we haven't heard from them for several months." Nobody had. "They told us about Dr Wenham." "Oh, we recommend him to all our friends too, don't we, Allan?" Sipping his coffee, Allan grunted in acknowledgement. Gina rose and settled herself on the couch on Mulder's other side. "You've been married ten years, you said?" "Eight," I corrected, leaning across Mulder. He's mine, pretend or otherwise. "Eight years, huh? How did you meet? Peggy?" It was Al. I reluctantly drew back to look at him. He was standing by the stereo, spinning a CD on his finger. I glanced at Mulder before answering. "Through ...mutual acquaintances." "Yeah, her sister was like 'that' with my girlfriend at the time. Peg came along to a party one night and we just *clicked*. It was magical, huh, Peggy baby?" "Yeah, magical," I echoed, trying to tamp down my annoyance. Why did he have to be so flamboyant when it came to these things? "I love your shirt, Jack," Gina announced suddenly. I watched, stunned, as she lay a hand on his chest, fingering the fabric. Whoa... Mulder grinned, then glanced at me, looking suddenly guilty. "Yeah, thanks Gina." He cleared his throat. "I, uh, love the apartment. It's very... modern." He pointed to a framed picture on the wall. "That's a Boccioni, isn't it?" "The City Rises, nineteen ten. Only a print, of course." Allan headed over to the bar to refil his drink. I inched a little closer toward Mulder, putting my hand on his arm. I wasn't sure what was going on here. I didn't think he was, either. "I like a man who knows his art." Gina leaned toward Mulder, smiling. He grinned sheepishly again, that little boy smile he always used when he wanted to charm. "Gina, perhaps you could give Jack a little room to breath," Allan suggested, sounding grimly amused. "Shut up, Al." But she backed up, smiling sweetly as she sat on the stuffed arm of her husband's chair. "Don't mind him, darlings. He gets all territorial. But I can't blame him for it. I'm sure you and Jack are just the same, aren't you, Peggy?" "Yeah." I tightened my grip on Mulder's arm, not trusting the woman an inch, but not wanting to let on. Something was up here. "He gets a little overprotective." "And I'll bet Peg never lets you out of her sight. Am I right, Jack? I know I certainly wouldn't. There's far too many women out there who'd love to get their hands on a man like you." "Actually, we're -" "Has you ever cheated on Peg, Jack? It's nothing to be ashamed of. Most of the couples in our group are there because of an extra-marital affair." "Not us," I told her tightly. "You're squirming, Jack, honey. Don't tell me Peg doesn't know." "There's nothing -" "Sure there is. Maybe a couple of years ago. Your sex life was a little slow. You were miserable. You freaked out at the thought of never being with another woman again. It happened, didn't it? And you didn't have the balls to own up to it? Or is Peg just covering for you?" I glanced at Mulder. Gina was right: He was squirming. His jaw was clenched. I felt a stab of uncertainty. Had Mulder slept with somebody during the time we'd been working together? It had been eight years. In the beginning, especially, he'd been around other women. Why should I even assume he'd been as celebate as I had? How come I even cared? He was my partner, not my husband. We were close but we didn't own each other. He was free to sleep with whoever he wanted. "Who was she, Jack? Peg looks like she wants to know." "Gina, maybe you should stop bullying-" Allan ventured delicately, but Gina snapped at him quickly. "I told you to shut up, Al. Tick tick, Jack. Won't you feel better once it's out in the open? Who was she? Was she beautiful? Were you in love with another woman?" I was holding my breath, I discovered. My heart was irrationally hammering in my chest. Mulder's arm under my hand was rigid, every muscle tensed. "She didn't matter to me," Mulder said shortly. His face was stony, but his arm twitched. I pulled away from him, suddenly repulsed at the thought of touching him, feeling a surge of something akin to hate, anger at betrayal. The cliché line came to mind - How could he do this to me? "So Peggy didn't know. Were you sneaking around behind Peg's back, Jack? Did you go away for weekends, pretend it was for work? Call Peg and tell her you had to work late, then sneak off to a cheap hotel? How long did it go on? How long did you cheat on Peggy? Weeks? Months? Years?" "It was only once!" Braced as I was for some unwanted revelation, his answer still stunned me. I looked at Mulder. He looked angry, ashamed. I felt not so much angry as disappointed, disillusioned, even. Wouldn't I have known? We kept such close tabs on each other. Wouldn't I have noticed? "When?" I asked, quiet. He rubbed at his eyes, looking old, tired. "Years ago. During your abduction. You were gone and I went a little crazy. I was aching inside, I missed you so much. I thought maybe she could help take away the pain." It was a strange, numbing feeling. As far as I was concerned, the world consisted only of he and I. Tick, tick. "Who was she?" "Her name was Kirsten." The facts lined up in my head and I felt a surge of anger, at his stupidity as well as his betrayal. "The vampire? Mulder, of all the *stupid* -" I broke off, realising my error, even more infuriated. I pushed away from him and stood. Not not only had we torn a rift between us, but now our cover was as good as blown. There was no point in staying. We'd already done enough damage. Gina rose and blocked my way, touching my arm. "You're not going to solve your problems by walking away." "I'm leaving," I told her. She didn't move, just smiled sympathetically. "You don't want to do that." I refused to back down, an uneasy sensation edging in on me. I felt threatened. "Let me pass." "Not if you really love Mulder. That was your name, wasn't it, hon? Mulder?" "Fox Mulder," Allan spoke up. "I thought I recognised you. You were one of the panellists at a forum I attended three or four years ago, in Boston. I follow your work with great interest." He turned to me. "And this must be your Doctor Scully, then?" I stood still, returning his stare, not so sure what was going on. Were we caught? Damn the cryptic innocence of Allan's gaze. "I guess we're caught, Scully." Mulder sounded grim. "Sit down. I think we'd better explain ourselves." Explain ourselves? I pivoted slowly, looking at him as coldly as I had at Allan, not understanding what I saw in Mulder's eyes. He beckoned me closer and, against my better judgement, I sat back down on the couch, albeit at the other end. He reached across to me and took my hand. I almost flinched away, more confused than angry, but I set my lips and let him take my hand, squeeze it gently. "We've been working together for eight years," Mulder began quietly. I blanched, feeling my heart skip a beat or two. Mulder's grip was warm, firm. I wasn't sure if I hated it or needed it or both. I couldn't let go. "We got pretty close, pretty fast," he continued. "It was intense. We weren't physical, but we got to the point when we both realised the truth. And, as much as we trust each other -" he squeezed my hand again, purposefully - "we have trouble expressing ourselves." He exhaled, concluding quietly, "That's why we're in the group." Gina and Al were silent. Then Gina slipped from the arm of the chair and crouched in front of Mulder and I, reaching to put her hand over ours. "I'm so sorry, hons. I understand. It's hard to be honest about these things. And you two working together and everything... I understand. But I hope you feel you can talk to Al and I." I smiled tightly, unnerved by the turn of events. Had they honestly bought that story? If they were in any way involved with the abductions then surely they would realise why we had integrated ourselves into the therapy group. Did this then mean that they were innocent? Or just playing dumb? Gina pulled back and stood, gesturing for me to stand too. "You look like you need some fresh air, Peg, honey." She smiled widely, encouraging, almost amused by the situation. "Well, I suppose that's not your real name, is it now?" I hesitated. "No. Dana." She gestured again and I rose cautiously, distrusting herself but not ready to give up on this case if there was a chance. An earlier couple to disappear had had two young daughters, five and seven. If there was any chance of recovering their parents alive... She unlatched the large French windows and led me out onto a large balcony, closing the windows again behind her. "I'm sorry for coming on so strong before, hon. It's just so vital that couples be honest with each other, y'know? That's never easy." I nodded, awkward, looking out at the display of city lights. "I guess it isn't." "It must be hard, working together, and having those feelings for each other," Gina said softly. "He's such an attractive man, too. I heard he was quite passionate about his work. Altogether a very passionate creature." "I suppose," I agreed stiffly. "Does he really love you, do you think?" She sounded curious in a detatched sort of way. "I mean, I heard he was a bit of a womaniser." I set my lips grimly, not wanting to discuss it, refusing to let myself even consider it. I trusted Mulder implicitly. "He's faithful," I told her shortly. She nodded, and I wondered if she was offended by my sharp response. She gave me a tight smile. "You stay out here for a while, pet. Cool off. Come back in when you're ready, alrighty?" I nodded, glad that she was going, but not certain if I wanted Mulder alone with the two of them. I wasn't sure if I wanted either of us in this place. ------> MULDER Gina almost danced in, going over to the liquor cabinet and pouring herself a scotch, tossing it down expertly and then heaving a satisfied sigh. I shifted uncomfortably on the couch, wondering if Scully was still mad at me. As if reading my thoughts, Gina spoke up brightly, "I think you'd better give her some time out there, Fox. She's not very happy with you." I nodded uneasily. There was something very wrong about this couple, some game they were playing with us. I wished I knew what it was. "You might want to just go check Dana's okay," Gina suggested lightly, eyes on her husband. Nodding assent with a tolerating smile, he stood and left through the glass doors onto the balcony. Gina drew the coffee table right up in front of me and perched on the edge of it. Our knees were brushing. Then, very deliberately, she leaned in and she kissed me. Taken by surprise, I let her, blinking a little as she pulled back. She smiled widely. "Well?" "Uhhh..." I gazed at her, suspicious but also tempted by this laughing elfin creature. She was attractive in a reckless sort of way. The sort of woman who would not only willingly commit to a one night stand but delight in the carefree joy of it. I was tempted. I was very tempted. But Scully... She saw the reluctance in my eyes. "Thanks but no thanks? You're really a loyal little hubbie, aren't you? Of course, these things are usually felt more on one side than the other..." I stayed silent, refusing to take the bait. Gina saw that, too. She smiled. "You're a clever boy, Fox. I imagine you like to get your own way." I shrugged. "Who doesn't?" "I can't see your Dana letting you get away with much." "We manage okay." "But you must get frustrated, surely? Feel like you're going against a brick wall? I know I'd go crazy. Allan understands that. He lets me live my own way. How long has it been since you felt alive, Fox? Really alive?" I stared at her, transfixed by the workings of this woman's mind. So destructive, and yet she was so electrically attractive. She knew it. She was toying with us like a cat with a mouse. But why? "A while, I guess," I admitted, playing along. She climbed up onto the couch beside me, took my chin in her hands, and kissed me again. It was incredible. I was kissing her back before I could process what was happening and protest. Her hands, her mouth... She would have made a fantastic lover. She knew exactly what she was doing. My senses were swimming. I barely remembered to breathe. Suddenly she pulled back. It took a second for my mind to catch up, I was so completely overwhelmed. I saw stricken dismay on her face and followed her gaze to the french windows. Scully was standing there. "Dana, hon..." Gina sprung up. Confused anger overtook the shock on Scully's face and she pulled back, closing the doors again and quickly moving out of sight on the balcony. A pause. Gina shrugged dramatically, then danced back toward me. "That was a nasty surprise for her." I sat silently, staring at her, angry. That perfect look of dismay had been completely calculated. She'd orchestrated the entire thing, the kiss, Scully's catching us. But why? And was her husband in on it? I stood. I had to talk to Scully. ------> SCULLY My mind was reeling. I stood against the balcony railing, looking out over the city lights, blurred by the warm tears in my eyes. I brushed them away, angry. What the hell was going on here? What was Mulder doing? I hated when he hid his motives from me. "You must have a difficult relationship," Allan remarked. I stiffened, not wanting to talk about it. What was there to say? Sometimes I just didn't understand Mulder at all. It infuriated me. It hurt. I hated knowing he had secrets. "He's a bit of a womaniser, eh? Doesn't necessarily act on it, but he looks..." Again, I was silent. "Self-absorbed too, I'd guess. Selfish." More silence. "He's coming out here." Betrayed anger surged up within me. I sucked in a deep breath and turned around. "Could we have some privacy, please?" I asked coldly. ------> MULDER She was crying, and she was furious. I could see it right away. I waited until Allan had gone inside, the doors closed gently after him, but she spoke before I could. "What the hell did you think you were doing, Mulder?!" "She kissed me!" "I didn't see you exactly trying to get away." "Scully -" "Mulder, I won't put up with this. You hear me? I won't stay with you if you're just going to use me, if you're going to treat me like I don't matter." "Scully!! Listen to me! They're trying to manipulate us." She was about to retort but stopped herself, setting her jaw. I could see her anger wavering. "What do you mean?" "They're playing with us. They're trying to put us against each other." Her eyes flashed. "Why?" "I don't know yet. But it's got something to do with those missing couples, I'm sure of it." "Mulder..." Her anger was gone. She shrugged. "What do we do?" she asked quietly. "We stay angry. We play along. See where it takes us." Her eyes met mine, understanding although a little uncertain. She knew that it was what we had to do, but she didn't want to do it. "If Gina and Allan really are responsible for the missing couples..." "We've got to be careful," I finished for her. I nodded. ------> SCULLY Mulder went back inside by himself. He headed straight over to Gina as she stood by the liquor cabinet, and said something. She protested, her hand on his arm, her expression one of devastated sympathy. He was doing his best guilty little boy act, shoulders slumped, biting his lip and running his hands through his hair. He gestured toward me and Gina guided him to the couch, sitting him down. She poured a glass of scotch and pressed it into his hand, patted him on the shoulder and then, leaving him in Allan's charge, came out to me. I drew a deep breath, setting my lips. I hated play acting, I'd never been good at it, but it wasn't hard in this case to be angry, particularly with Gina. I folded my arms stiffly. "I'm so sorry that things have gone so badly for you two tonight, hon. It's just terrible. Now Fox wants to leave, but I told him that neither of you are in the state to drive and you really should try to work things out between you, if it's at all possible. Fox looks so contrite..." "I'm not going to put up with him any more," I said coldly. "I've had enough." "Oh, hon, I know it seems impossible, but you can't give up on him that easily.. I can understand that you're angry with him... And I'm so terribly sorry about that kiss - he just grabbed me - but ... Oh, it must be terrible, to be betrayed like that. I'm so sorry, honey. I feel so guilty about it all. You must blame me, too.." "You weren't the first," I said, with a stab of real bitterness. This time had been orchestrated, but there had been other women... Detective White, that entomologist, Diana... Mulder had walked into those situations with his eyes wide open. "Of course, there was that Kristen woman, wasn't there? And you were missing at the time? That's terrible. Some men are so insensitive. And Fox, of course, is so attractive... It goes to a man's head, knowing that he's attractive, knowing that he could have any woman he wants. Men like that don't know a good thing when they've found it. They're hopeless in long term relationships..." I was silent. Memories of that strange Christmas Eve a few years ago came back to me. Was that what they were trying to do? Had Gina and Allan led all those missing couples through this charade, stirring up their emotions until they were angry enough to kill each other and then somehow provided the means? They were winding us up now, for sure. Were they trying to get us angry enough to kill each other this very night? It was time to get to the bottom of this. "Gina," I said coldly, clearly, "What did you and Allan have to do with the Wingetti's disappearance?" There was a momentary startled flicker in her eyes, and her manner changed instantly. She looked distinctly amused. "Darling, how very clever of you to put two and two together! I thought you being in group was just coincidence, while all along you've been - what's that they call it? Playing undercover? Waiting for somebody to say something silly and trip themselves up, I suppose. I didn't even realise our little operation was under FBI jurisdiction. Kind of funny, isn't it?" "So you're admitting your involvement?" "Well, I guess we might as well. You've practically caught us red-handed, haven't you?" I didn't take the time to answer the question but instead fired two back at her. "What happened to them? Where are they?" She shrugged impishly. "Who's to say?" I pressed my lips together tightly, folding my arms again and turning away in disgust. "You're stressing, sweetie. Don't stress. It doesn't really matter. Not to us." I turned back. "How can you say people's lives don't matter?" She smiled indulgently. "Dana, you have to understand how miserable some people are. Their lives are empty. They're hurting, repressed, not letting their inner selves be free. To be released from a life like that... it's a merciful escape." "These people's lives weren't empty! They had children, jobs, homes." "They're in a better place." "It's not up to you to decide that!" I looked at her, not understanding. "You can't make these decisions for other people." "Sweetie! Oh, sweetie..." She looked at me pityingly. "We would never have acted without permission. We poke and we prod a bit, but we don't do anything final without being completely certain that it's what they want." Her words only confused me further. I shook my head, not wanting to stick around any longer. We needed to get out of this place and sort our heads out. "We're leaving now." Gina barred me at the door. She smiled gently. "It looks like you're too late for Fox." "What?" I pushed her aside, tugging the door open. Mulder was sitting on the couch, slouched forward with his head hung. Oh God, was he dead? Why was he so still? "Mulder? Mulder?" I ran forward, shaking his shoulder. He was still breathing but he was unconscious. I lifted his head, searching for any injuries. "Mulder?" I turned on Allan. "What did you do to him? What the hell did you do to him?" I was met by two blank expressions. "He's in a trance, honey," Gina explained gently. She shot a puzzled glance at Allan. "What do you mean, a trance? Take him out of it! Bring him back, now!" Another quick glance exchanged, and Allan shrugged. Leaning forward, he whispered something into Mulder's ear. Mulder snapped awake. "Hey..." He looked dazed. I crouched down, checking him over, shaking him to try and get him to focus on me. "You okay, Mulder? Follow my finger. Mulder?" He shook his head, looking a little lost. "I'm fine, Scully. I'm fine." I licked my lips nervously, not knowing what was going on. Standing slowly, I faced Gina and Allan. "I want you to tell me," I said quietly, keeping my voice controlled, "what exactly is going on here." It all spilled out. Allan's unorthodox use of hypnosis in his work as a marriage counsellor. Losing his license. The strain on the couple's marriage and the therapy group they joined, led by an old friend from Allan's college days. The arguments they calculatingly provoked in couples drawn into the web, arguments which revealed intimate relationship and character flaws, illuminated unresolved issues, gauged the true measure of the couple's bond. "See, hon," Gina leaned forward on the couch, eager to explain the technicalities of it. "Al uses hypnotherapy to touch the subconscious, to draw out the person's repressed inner self and bring their desires and dreams to the surface, so that they can resolve those deep-seated issues. I can't describe how wonderful it is, to know that you've helped somebody see clearly, maybe for the first time. To know that you've liberated somebody, that it's because of you that they're experiencing true happiness, that they know what they want and have the courage to just go for it... It's just wonderful." I exhaled heavily, humiliated at having been played. "So the Wingettis..." "Are in Hawaii now, I think. They'd never been before." "The Parks?" "Jack and Barb went their separate ways. She said something about backpacking in Europe. Very brave woman. I'm not sure where Jack is now." "The Warrens?" "They were the couple with the daughters, weren't they? No, I don't know what happened with them either. They were very troubled, both of them. Very unhappy." She paused reflectively, glancing at her husband. "I don't know if they liked what they saw." ------> MULDER We left their apartment in silence, walking closely. Out in the night air the craziness felt like a surreal dream. Had that really happened? Scully broke the silence. "Mulder, how the hell could you let him hypnotise you? He could have been dangerous!" "I didn't *let* him hypnotise me," I protested. "He just started talking... The next thing I knew you were shaking me." She set my lips and shook her head. She looked tired, and I couldn't blame her. It had been an unbelieveable night. We reached the car. I unlocked it and we climbed in. Strapping on her seatbelt, she paused. "They were in therapy when Wenham grilled us about not being able to have kids," she said quietly. "Why do you think they didn't push that button?" "Maybe they realised it was more than even they could handle." "Maybe," she agreed, unsettled. She sighed, clicking her seatbelt in. "We always thought it was the therapist. We just had the wrong therapist." "And the wrong crime. That's if hypnotising people to realise their dreams can even be considered a crime..." She cut me off. "Let's go home, Mulder." I put the key in the ignition, but hesitated. Pulling back, I looked across at her. There were still things that needed to be said. "I'm sorry about Kristen." "That was years ago," she said tiredly, looking out her own window. "I know, but I'm still sorry." A nod, then a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry I didn't trust you." "You did when it counted." "Yeah, I guess." She didn't sound so certain. She glanced across at me, meeting my gaze. "You think that if we were married we'd make it this far?" "Eight years? I think we could probably manage it." I grinned. "We got trust, remember?" She smiled widely. "Yeah, we do." I gave her hand a quick squeeze, then turned the key in the ignition. The car rumbled to life and I pulled away from the curb. We were both silent, but that was okay, because we knew that it was all going to work out. We knew what we had and what we wanted, we knew that we had what nobody else did. We didn't need some magical fix. We didn't need Hawaii or Europe. We just needed each other, and our eight years. "Home," I murmured. "Let's go." fin. =====